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How I Went from Making $9 per Hour as a Barista to More Than $180 per Hour… … With an Unexpected
‘Work-from-Home’ Opportunity That Actually Worked!

Now I have no bosses, no commutes, and work whatever schedule I want. Here’s how it happened…

Dear Reader,

Never in a million years did I think I’d be doing what I do now for a living.

And never in a million years, did I think I’d be earning what I do.

Because the most I ever made before I stumbled across this “work-at-home” opportunity?

$9 per hour.

Working at a coffee shop.

These days?

My “base” hourly rate is north of $180 per hour.

That’s without any bosses breathing down my back.

Without a mind-numbing commute.

Without having to ask permission for a little time off.

And it’s all thanks to the most unexpected way to make a living from home.

It can help you make more than most doctors and lawyers…

And have your friends wondering if you’ve retired early.

Now, I have a confession to make.

It might surprise you…

I’d Rather NOT Be Telling You My Story

It’s absolutely true.

Sharing my story like this is way out of my comfort zone.

Because I’m a total introvert.

For me, “going out” means moving from the bed to the couch.

Heck, I talk more with my cat Simba than I do with people in general.

Here he is, ready to listen:

G's cat Simba, with his ears perked up ready to listen


The reason I’m stepping out of my comfort zone is I hope my story will help you.

This is one of the few “work-from-home” opportunities that actually works.

And coming from me, that’s saying a lot.

Because I’ve tried nearly all of them (and failed).

More on that in just a bit.

But first, a question.

Can You Relate?

I know my situation back in the $9-an-hour days may not be exactly like yours is right now.

But I do know with 100% certainty what it feels like to constantly stress about money.

To worry endlessly about upcoming bills.

And to feel the panic set in when a surprise expense rears its ugly head.

Like when my car — an old, beat-up 1993 Honda Civic — broke down.

The repair bill came in at around $250.

It sent me into a tailspin.

I also remember how hopeless it all felt.

Never having the time to do the things I wanted, let alone get myself out of the mess I was in.


I was too busy working three jobs.

Job #1 was at a well-known coffee shop.

Job #2 was working at a nearby hotel.

And Job #3 was teaching private ballroom dance lessons, with whatever time I had left.

All that, just to barely scrape by.

As you might imagine…

It felt impossible to get ahead, to escape the proverbial rat race.

Thankfully, I found the “off-ramp.”

One that’s led me to a better life… a greater income… and ultimately, has given me what I have always wanted most:


Guillermo Rubio

My name, by the way, is Guillermo Rubio.

And just in case…

It’s pronounced “ghee-air-mo.”

I mention this, because I’ve had folks get really creative. My all-time favorites are “Geronimo” and “Gooey-Lair-Mo”.

It might easier to just think of me as “G.”

Today, you’re going to discover what this “off-ramp” to a better life is.

In my view, it’s the greatest “work-from-home” opportunity out there.

But, before I go on, a disclaimer.

This May Be Hard for You to Believe

I’ll be straight with you.

As I tell you more about this opportunity…

As you see the kind of money that’s possible…

And when I tell you about some of the other folks who’ve also pursued this opportunity, and the kind of money they’re making “working” part-time hours…

… you’re probably not going to believe it at first.

That’s okay.

Most people are skeptical.

Until they see how it all works.

I mean, I was skeptical too in the beginning. But then I decided to go for it.

Now here I am today, making over $180 per hour whenever I decide to sit down and work.

Simba, G's cat curled up, looking towards the camera

With Simba as my “business partner.”

He’s earned that title. Because he loves it when I sit down to “work.”

He lays on my lap and purrs up a storm.

When Everything Else Failed, This Worked… … and Handed Me a Six-Figure Income

I thank my lucky stars I came across this unexpected opportunity.

Because I’ve tried — and failed at — most of the “work-from-home” and “get rich quick” opportunities out there, including:

  • Multi-level marketing. This cost me way more money than I ever made. Plus, I ended up with boxes full of vitamins I ultimately had to trash…
  • Real estate investing. This was a slog. I was able to buy a property… had tenants who didn’t pay… and the bank ended up selling it for me.
  • Medical billing. Did this for about a month. Made no more than an hourly wage.
  • Affiliate Marketing. Did this too. Made about $500 after spending a lot of money on setting things up and paying for advertising.
  • Drop shipping. Tried selling cheap goods from China. Lots of people seem to make good money with this. Not me. Plus, dealing with unhappy customers is no fun.

Plus — On My Quest to Gain the Freedom I Craved, I’ve Also:

  • Tried my hand at being a real estate agent. I got licensed and sold one house after cold-calling hundreds of homeowners out of a “Criss Cross” directory. For an introvert like myself, I don’t know what I was thinking.
    meme of small girl shrugging with the text I DON'T KNOW
  • Sold organs in a mall. No, not the human kind (!!)… the musical kind.
  • Started a coaching business. It officially had zero coaching clients.
  • Dug Ditches. Quite literally. After my real estate escapades, I thought maybe I’d be more suited to construction/contracting. Nope!

As you can see…

I was constantly searching for the magic pill.

Something to get me out of the dire straits I was in.

After all…

I’m a college dropout.

With no vocational skills.

So back then, I was limited to working jobs that had few to no requirements (like retail or sales) and that paid hourly.

This is why I was open to trying anything and everything to get out of my crummy situation.

With each new opportunity, I’d think “Oh, this is it! This is going to be the one that makes me rich!”

Of course, the joke was on me.

Because most “business opportunities” out there cost a lot of money.

What they also don’t tell you?

There’s a LOT of work required.

It’s why I keep saying —

This unexpected opportunity is, in my humble opinion, the greatest one out there.

Now, before I go on with the rest of the story of how I got here…

A word of caution:

My story may not be your story.

If I had to guess, I’d say that six out of every 10 people who try this opportunity quit before they’ve even put in 2-3 hours of effort.

Another two will probably get distracted with another opportunity (i.e., “shiny object syndrome”) and never finish what they started…

And then another will put in the time and effort, but bail out at the end, because of the fear of failure.

On Luck and Success

Looking back on my career now, it seems like it was a combination of luck (finding out about this opportunity) and following a simple path that was charted out for me.

But success often seems like luck and simplicity when you look back at it.

When your success is still ahead of you, you need to be smart enough to pick the right path and commit to following it, even through the setbacks and doubts.

I’m glad I stuck with it. Because this opportunity is the path that worked for me.

It’s also the same path hundreds of other hopeful folks like me followed to achieve amazing success.

That’s because not only is this “work-at-home” opportunity the real deal…

Not only does it check all the boxes:

  • Great Income
  • Freedom
  • Flexibility
  • Control Over Your Schedule

… it’s something that’s relatively simple to understand.

It’s also highly valuable (which is why I’m able to earn $180+ an hour).

And it even gives you more than one way to earn a great income.

I’ll tell you exactly what it is, how it works, and even how you can “dip your toe” in the water with this opportunity.

This way, you can see if it’s something you’d like to do, too.

But first, let me show you what’s possible with it:

These days, I work when I want.

I don’t have to ask permission to travel or for time off. If I need a break or want to go somewhere, I simply do it.

Oh —

And I don’t have to deal with overbearing or unappreciative bosses.

Quick story…

As I mentioned earlier, I was working three jobs.

One of those was as a barista at a well-known coffee chain.

My shift usually started around 4 a.m.

Customers would be lined up out the door for when we opened at 5 a.m.

Let me tell you…

Dealing with customers as early as 5 o’clock in the morning isn’t my idea of fun.

Many are grumpy. They don’t want to be awake or have to commute to work. Which I totally understand.

But one time…

I Got “Chewed Out”

The reason?

I rang up a customer’s coffee order and it totaled 15 cents more than what they were used to paying.

They demanded I fix it.

I’d ring up the order again and again. Every time, 15 cents more.

The customer finally paid the extra 15 cents and proceeded to yell at me and call me a few “choice” names.

Then, when my manager caught wind of what happened, I was reprimanded.

Turns out the customer was a “regular” and the manager always gave them a discount on their order.

Simba, G's cat looking towards the camera disapprovingly

How was I supposed to know? Especially if no one told me?!

Simba would NOT have approved!

Suffice it to say, I’m GLAD those days are long gone.

Now I Am My Own Best Boss

These days, I work anywhere from 10-20 hours per week.

I can travel. Go anywhere I want.

In fact…

Because of the freedom I now have…

My wife and I moved from our two-bedroom apartment in the snow-capped mountains of Utah…

Utah cityscape with snow covered mountains

… to a spacious four-bedroom house, located just 15 minutes away from the coast in Florida:

Florida coastline showing a city and the beach

Our mornings would consist of walking on the beach and seeing the sun rise over the Atlantic:

Sunrise over the ocean in florida

Then, about five years ago, we decided to move again.

This time, to the West Coast.

And now we’re even closer to the beaches.

Cloudy beach shot with bush of red flowers in front in California Picture of palm trees overlooking the ocean in California

Hopping on the Pacific Coast Highway takes about five minutes — giving us instant, stunning views:

Mountains off of the Pacific Coast Highway Beach off of the Pacific Coast Highway

None of this would have been possible if I hadn’t pursued this “work-at-home” opportunity.

That’s why I want to tell you about it.

What it is.

How it works.

The income potential.

And what’s required to get started.

But first…

Let’s Talk About YOU

Let me ask you a few questions…

  • How many hours of your life do you spend working for someone else?
  • Do you work for an unappreciative and/or demanding boss?
  • Are you up to your eyeballs in debt?
  • Have you been thinking of leaving your current career and starting slimething new (and fun)?
  • Do you spend your days in a cubicle, or doing something you don’t llive, only to wonder “is this all there is to life?”

My guess is if you’re still reading this, you want control over your time.

You want to be the one who decides how your day goes — without having a boss hanging over you with “busywork” or crazy deadlines.

You’re tired of needing to ask for “permission” — whether it’s to take your child to the doctor or leaving early so you can make it to your kid’s soccer game.

You’re ready for a change.

I’m living proof that kind of change is possible.

In fact…

I’m not the only one who’s done it. There are hundreds of people who’ve made the leap to a new and better life.

Many are making six-figures. With no boss and on whatever schedule they want.

I’ll introduce some of them to you.

Because you’re about to see how all this is possible.

Make a Living from Anywhere… and LOVE What You Do Every Day…

Collage of writers working in various envrionments all over the world

So what is this amazing “work-from-home” opportunity?

The one that basically saved me from a life of despair?

It’s something I like to call high-ticket writing.

Not to be confused with freelance writing.

I make this distinction because, for many (unfortunately), freelance writing is a nicer way of saying “writing for pennies.”

Like writing articles for $5-$10 apiece.

Or “working your way up” to 11 cents a word writing for a content mill — with endless revisions and no byline.

The internet is littered with disaster stories of writers becoming freelancers, working themselves down to the bone trying to eke out a living this way.

I feel for them. But it’s not the kind of freelance writing I’m talking about.

After all, I wouldn’t be able to make $180+ per hour if that were the case. (There wouldn't be enough hours in the day!)

Escape the Long Hours, the Long Commutes

Instead, high-ticket writing is about learning simple, specific skills you need to go after writing projects that are:

  1. In high demand
  2. Pay a high amount, relative to how long it takes you to complete the assignment

It’s also about having more knowledge than the average freelance writer (which isn’t hard to acquire).

Where you can do more than simply take an order to write something.

And can use your creativity to come up with new ideas, make new connections, and suggest it to the very clients who are paying you to write.

This is how you can escape the 9-5, the long commutes, and have a blast along the way to creating the income and life you want.

No Previous Experience Required

And in case you’re wondering…

No, you don’t need any previous experience to become a high-ticket writer.

All that’s required is dedication, commitment, and consistent effort.

I say this because I didn’t have any experience as a writer.

And I’ve never thought of myself as one.

I was a “C” or “D” English student.

Plus — English is actually my second language!

So yeah, while hard work and effort are required (like with most things that are real opportunities that are worth achieving)…

… you don’t need to have previous experience to succeed with this one. Or be the next Hemingway or Stephen King.

I’m not just saying that, either. Because I’ve seen it happen again and again…

Three Years, One Million Dollars (!!)

Jon Stoltzfus

Take for example, Jon Stoltzfus.

He worked as a contractor in the aerospace industry.

The job paid great.

The downside was the 80-hour workweeks.

That, and the constant fear there could be a contract-related layoff at any moment.

That’s when Jon turned to high-ticket writing.

He reached his first million dollars earned as a writer after just three years.

You should also know about Mindy McHorse.

Mindy McHorse

She’s a New Mexico mom who was buried in bills.

Before high-ticket writing?

She was stuck in a cubicle in a mind-numbing, number-crunching job for eight hours a day.

That’s on top of a two-hour commute!

Now she makes six-figures, sets her own schedule, and gets to be there every day when her kids come home from school.

Imagine Going from Minimum Wage to a Minimum of $250,000 Per Year… That’s What Happened to This Former Grocery Clerk

As I mentioned earlier, there are hundreds of people who’ve reinvented themselves as high-ticket writers.

They enjoy the writer’s life — a fun-filled life with plenty of control, freedom, and flexibility.

EG Orren

Like EG Orren, a well-known music photographer.

She spent her days hopping around stages and working with well-known artists.

But the pandemic put an abrupt stop to all that, and soon EG found herself out of work.

She had to pivot — quickly — and turned to high-ticket writing.

Within 24 months, she’d landed writing contracts worth six-figures!

Curtis Dennis

Curtis Dennis replaced his 40-year career — and his income — as a commercial contractor and finish carpenter with high-ticket writing. Now he makes more money — without the three-hour commute.

And when Lisa Christoffel — a corporate manager — was furloughed…

… she too became a high-ticket writer.

Lisa Christoffel

Now she makes six-figures and says:

“The freedom to choose how I want to work is one of the biggest benefits…”

But one of the most amazing stories is that of Paul Hollingshead.

Paul Hollingshead

He was stocking shelves at a grocery store in Florida, getting paid minimum wage.

Now, he focuses on high-ticket writing.

For the last two decades, his income has never been under $250,000 per year… and some years, he has made upwards of $800,000!

All while working his own hours. Having plenty of time to work on his golf swing. Travel. And more.

Oh —

And because he does such a great job for his clients, he ends up with “bonus” payments every so often.

Here’s one screenshot Paul took of his bank statement, showing just one of these payments:

Bank statement showing a depost of $78,633.03

Yes, that’s just north of $78,000.

Paul used part of that “bonus” money to go on a Safari in Kenya.

And before that, he got this “bonus” payment for his high-ticket writing:

Bank statement showing a depost of $70,038.05

And then, there’s his biggest “bonus” to date:

Bank statement showing a depost of $114,559.38

One single “bonus” payment equaling what most people earn in a single year.

It’s crazy!

I’ll explain how these “bonus” payments work — and why certain clients are willing to pay them out to high-ticket writers — in a moment.

But before I do, there’s something you absolutely need to understand:

The Potential to Get Paid Over $100K to Write — Even If You’re Not a Professional — Is Real

As a high-ticket writer, a lot of the day-to-day stresses you face when you have a demanding 9-5 job fall away.

You don’t have to worry about getting fired.

You don’t have to rely on others for your livelihood or ask for permission to do the things you want.

You are in control.

You get to choose how much to work (and subsequently, how much you’ll make).

You could work part time and make a few thousand per month…

Or you can maintain full-time hours and make a heck of a lot more.

For example, there are high-ticket writers making seven-figures.

Carline Anglade-Cole, for example, is one of them.

She’s one of the few writers on earth who can say she’s written for clients like OPRAH!

Cover from 'O The Oprah Magazine' special digest edition

Carline uses the freedom and success from her copywriting career to take her family along to experience travels and adventures:

Carline Kissing “Powder” the camel
Kissing ”Powder” the camel…
Carline zip-lining
Carline eating crickets in Zacatecas, Mexico
and eating crickets in Mexico!
Carline getting licked by lemurs in Madagascar
Getting licked by lemurs in Madagascar!
Carline living with Masai Mara tribesmen in a dung home in Kenya
Living with Masai Mara tribesmen in a dung home in Kenya!

Then there’s Laura Belgray, a former TV promo writer in New York City.

She used her high-ticket writing skills to create a million-dollar income for herself.

Even Forbes featured her!

Laura Belgray, featured in Forbes

Of course, Carline and Laura are both exceptional stories.

Most high-ticket writers don’t earn a million dollars.

But I mention them to show you what’s possible.

Because here’s the thing —

There's one very simple reason why high-ticket writers are able to earn so much money…

Commerce NEEDS Writers

When it comes to commerce… where people exchange money for goods or services…

… there are a few things a business or merchant has to explain:

  • What the product or service is
  • What it does
  • How it solves a problem, challenge, need, or desire
  • Why it’s a better option than the competition’s product or service
  • The terms — how much it costs, how to order it, any refund/return policies, shipping policies, etc.

Makes sense right?

Just think about when you go to buy a product from a company you’ve never heard of before…

You check out their website.

Their product page.

Their About Us page.

Maybe you take it a step further and take a look at their social media profiles to see what they’re posting.

Maybe they even offer an email newsletter, where you can stay “in the loop” on what’s happening.

Well, guess what?

The company more than likely hired high-ticket writers to create all of those materials…

All of those social media posts… email newsletters… product descriptions… the main web pages, the About Us page, or the “Our Values” page…

Heck, even the checkout page… the “thank you for your order” email… the “here’s our most frequently asked questions” page… and more.

All of that is stuff that high-ticket writers are needed for.

And as you might imagine…

These are the kinds of projects that pay well. Very well.


It’s how I’m able to afford “fancy” food from New Zealand from time to time, for Simba and his sister, Nala:

Nala depected next to her favorite cat food brand

Yes, I have more than one cat.

Yes, I am a fan of Disney’s The Lion King.

Yes, I am a full-blown introvert and realize from this point on, I will probably be known as “that” cat guy.

Moving on…

How a Single Email Could Cover a Week of Grocery Expenses

As a high-ticket writer, even simple projects like writing a couple of emails can be life-changing.

In fact, email writing happens to be one of my main specialties.

I get paid $5,000 per month to write emails.

And that’s just from one client.

At one point, I had FOUR clients paying me that much (or more) to write emails for them.

Here’s proof — in the form of a check stub from one of my retainer payments (before clients started paying me via electronic transfer):

Retainer check showing a payment of $7,500

Now, if I were to write a single email, I would charge $350.

Jay White

Other writers — like Jay White — have a “starting” rate to write an email of $1,000! Yes, that’s per email and he requires clients to pay in advance.

But if you’re just starting out…

Chances are you aren’t going to be able to command $1,000 per email like Jay.

But that’s okay.

Here’s why:

Let’s say you write a single email for a client who understands the value of email marketing and regularly sends out emails to their list of customers and prospects.

And you charge them $250.

Well, heck!

You just covered your grocery bill for the week. (If you’re spending what today’s national average is for a two-person household — around $150 to $190 per week.)

But here’s the thing…

Most clients don’t need just one email.

They often need five or more at a time!

At $250 per email…

… you’re looking at $1,250-$2,500+ for a single “project.”

One that can take as little as 3-5 hours to complete, once you’ve gained experience. Which works out to a cool $250-$500+ an hour, if you’re writing a series of five emails.

Write a Simple 2-Page “Story”… … Cover Your Car Payment for the Next Two Months!

Here’s another example of what’s possible, when you gain the skills needed to become a high-ticket writer:

It’s a specific, two-page customer success story, known as a case study.

The industry average “going rate” for writing one of these is $1,500.

And like I said, they’re only two pages.

You simply tell the story of how a customer’s life was improved, as a result of your client’s product or service.

That’s it.

And you can even follow a template to do this, because there’s a specific way you tell this story.

It amounts to getting the info you need, and filling in the blanks.

Do that, and there are many companies out there that will pay you $1,500 for it.

Casey Hibbard

For example, high-ticket writer Casey Hibbard has made an entire career out of focusing on ONLY writing these two-page stories.

She’s written over 1,200 of them!

So you can do the math on how much money that works out to.

But here’s what you need to know…

These don’t take that long to write. Typically 5-7 hours.

For that, you can get paid $1,500, on average (which works out to $200-$300 per hour).

Considering the average new car payment in the U.S. is $716, that one high-ticket writing project would cover your car payment for the next two months!

And here’s the part that might shock you — make sure you’re sitting down for this:

Once you become a high-ticket writer…

You Can Gain Access to More Than 80 Different “High-Ticket” Projects!

I have to reiterate, we’re not talking about writing articles for $5 here…

We’re not talking one to three pennies a word!

We’re talking about becoming an indispensable part of a company’s digital marketing efforts.

That means once you gain even just a few of the skills you need as a high-ticket writer…

… you “unlock” access to more than 80 different writing projects.

Collage of writing projects, depected here: Blog post, sales page, video script, squeez page, social media posts, e-newsletter, email, and a case study

That means you’ll have dozens of ways to create the kind of income you want…

Whether it’s an extra $3,000 per month… or $8,000 per month…

… it’s all possible, with the wide variety of “high-ticket” projects businesses want and need done.

A “Sneak Peek” at Your Income Potential as a High-Ticket Writer

Here’s just a taste of some of the industry “averages” of what high-ticket writers are charging in 2023:

  • SEO-Optimized Blog Posts: $250-$1,500 depending on the length and complexity
  • Web Pages: $500-$800 per page
  • Emails: $200-$500 each and clients usually need a series
  • E-newsletters: $800-$1,200 per issue
  • Video Scripts: $1,250-$2,500 for a five-minute script
  • Case Studies: $1,500 to write a two-page story about a happy customer
  • White Papers: $5,000-$8,000 for what amounts to a 5-8 page report

As you can see, these projects pay well. And it’s what high-ticket writing is all about.

It’s how I earn $180+ per hour…

It’s how Paul Hollingshead has made as much as $800,000 in a single year, and how he’s never made less than $250,000 for the last two decades.

And it’s how Carline Anglade-Cole, Laura Belgray, and others are “million-dollar” writers.

Plus, many of these projects can be completed in a few hours, once you know what you’re doing. Others may take a bit longer — maybe a week or two.

A Clear Path to $120,000 a Year

For example, let’s say you decide to take on a white paper project for a client…

This is something you could realistically charge anywhere from $5,000-$8,000, depending on your experience level.

And let’s say it takes you two weeks to complete.

Well, in two weeks’ time that’s an extra $5,000-$8,000 in your bank account.

And in case you’re wondering…

This wouldn’t have required two 40-hour work weeks.

More realistically, it would have been 20 hours to 30 hours TOTAL spread across the two weeks.

So, part-time hours.

If you take one two white papers a month, that’s $10,000-$16,000 you’ve made in a month.

Do that every month, and you can see how it’s possible to make $120,000 as a high-ticket writer.

And that’s just one example. With one project.

As I mentioned earlier, there are more than 80 high-ticket writing projects out there…

You can “mix and match” to get to the income level you want.

It’s why many high-ticket writers earn somewhere in the $150,000-$250,000 range.

About Those “Bonus” Payments…

Remember how I told you Paul Hollingshead — the grocery clerk turned six-figure writer — gets “bonus” payouts from his clients?

Like these?

Bank statement showing a depost of $78,633.03
Bank statement showing a depost of $114,559.38

Well, that’s because as a high-ticket writer, oftentimes your writing is intimately tied to a company’s sales.

Because it’s like you saw earlier — commerce needs writers.

A business has to use words to communicate what it has for sale, how it helps solve a problem, etc.

And high-ticket writers are the ones who get hired to do it.

Well, there are certain high-ticket writing projects you can work on that help to generate new leads and sales for your clients.

And in order to incentivize you to do your very best work and give it your “all”…

… they’ll let you get a small piece of the pie.

This typically amounts to a “commission” of around 1%-5% of the sales your writing helped to generate.

Meaning, if you help them sell $100,000 worth of stuff through your writing…

You could receive an additional “bonus” payment of $1,000-$5,000.

Help them sell $1 million?

You’re looking at an additional $10,000-$50,000.

That’s on top of whatever your agreed-to fee to write the project is.

That’s why I like to call it “bonus” money.

And once you enter the world of high-ticket writing, you’re free to go after the kinds of clients who regularly pay out these bonuses to their writers.

Pretty great, right?

And if that wasn’t enough reason to want to drop everything and get started with high-ticket writing immediately, here’s one more:

You Can Write About Practically Anything You Like and LOVE… … and Still Get PAID for It

There are companies marketing themselves online that are in every industry, niche, or market imaginable, including:

  • 🍔 Food
  • 🍷 Wine
  • 🎸 Playing Guitar
  • 🎹 Playing Piano
  • 🎺 Playing Trumpet
  • 📸 Photography
  • 🎮 Video Games
  • 🌲 Woodworking
  • 🐱 Cats
  • 🐶 Dogs
  • 🌱 Gardening
  • Coffee
  • 🏊 Swimming
  • 🏃 Running
  • Golfing
  • 🧶 Knitting
  • 💻 Software
  • 🚐 RVing
  • 🐟 Fish Tanks
  • 💊 Supplements
  • 🎓 Education
  • 🚗 Automobiles
  • 📈 Trading Stocks
  • Investing in Crypto
  • ✏️ Drawing
  • 👶 Having a Newborn
  • ⚖️ Losing Weight
  • 💪 Getting Fit
  • 🚀 And much, much more


Whatever your passion or interest…

There are plenty of opportunities to make a great deal of money, writing about it. Both writing for clients and for yourself.

Making $3,500 a MONTH Writing About Coffee — and OTHER Surprisingly Lucrative Topics

For example…

Nick Usborne LOVES coffee.

Nick Usborne

So, a few years ago, he decided to start writing about it… just for 1-3 hours a week.

Now he makes an average of $3,500 per month in addition to his regular high-ticket writing income.

And that’s just one of his passions.

He writes about other things too — like mushrooms, gold, and writing conversationally — and makes extra income because of it.

Or there’s Kathy Widenhouse.

She helped pay for two of her kids' college expenses by writing about — hang onto your hat — TOMATOES!

Yes, she wrote about tomatoes…

… and made enough money to pay the living expenses for one kid going all the way through medical school and one kid through law school.

And now that her “kids” have graduated, she’s going to use that tomato-writing income to start checking off her travel bucket-list!

Which means if you become a high-ticket writer…

… you could very quickly start making money writing about the things you love and care about.

You Don’t Need World-Class Writing Talent

And just in case the thought is creeping into your mind…

No, you don’t have to be the next New York Times bestselling author, or the next Pulitzer-prize winner.

Just write as you would to a friend.

Or in a journal, even.

Much like I’m doing right here, right now.

Just having a friendly conversation.

If you can do that, you can make a lot of money. And experience a lot of freedom and flexibility in your life.

Now, before I tell you how you can get started immediately as a high-ticket writer…

There’s one more thing that’s important to know.

Your Prior Work History or Career Experience Can Give You a HUGE Leg Up!

Yes, it’s true.

That job you hate…

That career you can’t wait to exit…

Can be the VERY fuel source for your next (more profitable) reinvention…

Take Steve Maurer, for instance.

Steve Maurer

He had a decades-long career as a maintenance tech for a major food plant in Arkansas. But then around 2009, the plant cut the maintenance crew’s hours.

Most of his colleagues took to making extra money by doing handyman work on the side.

Not Steve.

He decided to try his hand at freelance writing.

At first, he fell into the trap most do, and would write for peanuts.

Steve even jokes, “I was the king of the $5 article.”

But then he wised up and became a high-ticket writer and instead pursued high-ticket projects.

So he tapped into his 30 years of experience as a maintenance tech and went after clients in the industrial space — including an electrical industry association and a specialty machine shop.

Now Steve makes about $200 per hour every time he sits down to write.

And get this:

He’s doubled his high-ticket writing income every year since 2013!

And check this out from Steve:

This win was life-changing.

Friday, August 23, I made the last payment on our home mortgage — years ahead of schedule!

Thanks to my high-ticket writing income, my wife and I now own our house, free and clear. Our worries of losing our home are a thing of the past.

What a great feeling!

And that’s not the only important win I’ve had thanks to my high-ticket writing business.

Then there’s Keith Trimels, an engineer with a technical training and consulting business.

Keith Trimels

He made a good living, but had to constantly be on the road.

So he turned to high-ticket writing.

He leveraged his engineering background, and now writes for major technology companies around the world — from Australia to Germany.

Even better:

He makes six-figures writing… all from his sailboat, on the Sea of Cortez, Mexico.

Keith in front of his sailboat 'Blue Snail', with a sign that says 'Let Your Dreams Set Sail' Keith working on his laptop while in his sailboat

Which goes to show…

Not only can you leverage your existing career, skills, knowledge, and expertise…

… you can have total freedom.

Because your high-ticket writing clients don’t care where you write from.

And here’s the best part:

You Don’t Need Much to Get Started

To become a high-ticket writer, all you really need is a laptop and an internet connection.

That, and the know-how to write and complete the dozens of high-ticket writing projects out there.

And unlike the many income opportunities I tried on the path to getting to where I am today, you do NOT need:

  • 💰 a big budget
  • 🏢 an expensive office
  • 📦 inventory
  • 🖥️ expensive equipment
  • 🎓 a college degree (I'm living proof)
  • 📚 prior training (as I said, I was a “C” or “D” English student)
  • 🤷‍♂️ prior experience

I want to emphasize that last point…

ZERO Prior Writing Experience Needed!

Goodness knows I didn’t have any.

Remember… my “previous experience” was working at a coffee shop, digging ditches, and selling one house as a real estate agent.


Ha! Besides crafting poorly written essays and laughable book reports in school… I avoided writing like the plague.

I’ve never thought of myself as a writer.

And I’ve never dreamed of becoming one or penning the next Great American Novel, like many people do.

What I wanted above all else was freedom.

So when I stumbled across high-ticket writing as an opportunity, I immediately recognized it was the real deal.

It made perfect sense to me that companies NEED writers to help them create all their marketing messages.

Even more so now that everything is done online.

So I worked my butt off and did everything I could to learn about how to do this kind of writing.

And it paid off.

Now, Full Disclosure…

It took me a good five years to get my high-ticket writing career “up and running.” Even longer to get to six-figures.

That’s because like I said — I was a terrible writer…

… English is my second language…

… And, I didn’t have any experience I could leverage from a prior career.

So I started with major disadvantages.

Jake Hoffberg

I had a lot more ground to cover, than say Jake Hoffberg, who left a 10-year career in direct sales to pursue high-ticket writing.

Within a year, Jake had made $140,000.

Then there’s Cris Johnson.

Cris Johnson

He’d been a full-time magician who was traveling all the time to do live shows and making $170,000 a year.

When the pandemic hit, his career came to a screeching halt.

He turned to high-ticket writing and in less than a year had nearly replaced 100% of his magician’s income — and without the endless travel.

The great news is, it’s simpler than ever before to get started with high-ticket writing…

“Dip Your Toe” in the Water and See If High-Ticket Writing Is Right for You

Learning how to become a high-ticket writer doesn’t have to be hard.

Can you go on the internet, search endlessly, read book after book, and spend hours upon hours to find the information you’d need?

Of course.

Just do a simple search for “freelance writing.” Please, be my guest.

It’s all out there.

But I suspect your time is far more valuable than that.

That’s why if you want a fast way to get started…

If you want to experience what it’s like to learn the skill of high-ticket writing…

… and set yourself up to make great money from the get-go (and skip the part where you “pay your dues” writing articles for $5-$10)…

Then you’ll want to know about a brand-new training program called 3-2-1 Launch: How to Set Yourself Up to Make Money as a Copywriter.

(And don’t worry — the type of copywriting you’ll be learning in 3-2-1 Launch is what you need to get into high-ticket writing. It’s not your everyday, pennies-per-word freelance writing path… Otherwise I wouldn’t be telling you about it 😉).

Be Your Own Boss,
Boost your Income,
and Experience Real Freedom

Not only will you get a full-immersion into this world of high-ticket writing…

… you’ll also get your very first “project template,” giving you the ability to complete one of the simplest projects out there (yet it still pays $200-$800).

It’s one of the best ways to test things out and see if this is something you’ll want to do.

And it’s created by the best in the business — American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI).

American Writers & Artists Institute
The “Gold Standard”

They’re the ones that turned me onto high-ticket writing with one of their ads I got in the mail.

And they’ve been helping people from all walks of life (since 1997), make the transition into a new high-ticket writing career.

In short, they’re the “gold standard” when it comes to doing just that — helping people gain control over their lives and experience true freedom.

What they teach works.

I’m a testament to it.

And so are Jake, Cris, Steve, Paul, Keith, Mindy, Lisa, Jon, and nearly everyone else whose amazing story I’ve shared with you.

These are all folks who went from a life they weren't satisfied with…

… to making six-figures a year on their terms.

And 3-2-1 Launch is AWAI’s newest and best program on setting you up to start making money as a high-ticket writer, fast.

A “Dream Team” of High-Ticket Writing Mentors at Your Service

The entire training is taught by Katie Yeakle, AWAI’s Executive Director and Co-Founder…

Pam Foster, AWAI’s Learning Chief (and a six-figure writer who was the go-to writer for the pet and veterinarian industry)…

And last but not least, Russ Henneberry — one of the leading voices in digital marketing today and co-Author of the bestselling book, Digital Marketing for Dummies.

Cover of the book 'Digital Marketing for Dummies' co-written by Russ Henneberry

Combined, they’ve got more than 60 years’ experience in high-ticket writing and how to excel as a writer in today’s digital landscape.

And they’ll get down to brass tacks, to give you the shortest, most time-efficient way to get started making (good) money as a writer.

You’ll Hit the Ground Running — ASAP

You’ll start by getting intimately familiar with the world of high-ticket writing.

You’ll see how there’s an abundance of opportunity, right now, for writers willing to take it.

You’ll see where demand is highest, and why.

By the time you’re done with this first lesson, you’ll know exactly where to focus your high-ticket writing efforts.

You’ll have a good sense of what niches pay the best.

And instead of falling into the trap of the $5-$10 article content mills, you’ll know the high-ticket writing opportunities you’ll be aiming for to ensure a long and lucrative career, on your terms.

Finding the Right High-Ticket Writing Clients for YOU

Next, you’ll be working with Russ Henneberry to figure out who your ideal clients will be.

  • You’ll understand the characteristics of an ideal client and what that means for you…
  • You’ll learn how to uncover the specific needs and pain points of those potential clients, so you know how to approach them (and land the high-ticket writing gigs)…
  • And you’ll go through a powerful exercise to get crystal clear on the kinds of businesses you’ll help.

Bottom line:

After this session, you’ll have a laser-focused approach to finding the right clients, making it far more likely every client you work with is a perfect match for you and your situation.

Your First High-Ticket Writing Project

One of the biggest fears writers and non-writers alike have is staring at a blank page, not knowing what to write.

That's why in this lesson, you’ll get complete instructions on how to complete your very first high-ticket writing project.

  • You’ll get a powerful and proven template to work with…
  • You’ll understand the structure and the purpose of the template…
  • You’ll follow step-by-step instructions for using the template…
  • And more.

By the end of the lesson, you’ll come away with a professionally crafted piece that’s ready to show your future clients you’ve “got the goods” and are worth the higher fees.

You’ll also feel confident in knowing you have a proven process you can follow for when you land that first paid client.

The Key to Multiplying Your Income from the Very Beginning

Next, you’ll be working with Russ Henneberry in this session, where he’s prepared a lesson on how to “productize” your high-ticket writing services.

This is the little-known key to multiplying your income from the very beginning…

… and is how people can go from their previous careers to making six-figures as a high-ticket writer in 12-24 months!

  • You’ll get a deep dive on the key drivers of your high-ticket writing business, from services to pricing…
  • You’ll see how to bundle your services in attractive packages for clients — so you end up getting paid more per client, without increasing your workload…
  • You’ll master the art of pricing your services based on value, not time…
  • And much more.

You’ll want to watch this session again and again, as it solves the big problem of “inconsistent income” many freelancers face.

Your writing skills will no longer be “just” a service. Instead, they’ll be a well-packaged product that stands out in the marketplace and makes you more money, with less work and effort.

Knowledge That Could Be Worth Tens of Thousands of Dollars to You

What you’ll learn in 3-2-1 Launch can put you squarely on the path to creating the freedom, flexibility, and income you crave.

It can quite literally double the income you might be making now…

Or it can add tens of thousands of dollars to your pocket, over the coming weeks, months, and years.

Even just the session with Russ Henneberry on “productizing” your writing services — something hardly ANY freelance writer ever does…

… can dramatically change how much you earn per hour. Oftentimes by as much as 10X!

So there’s that.

More importantly…

You’ll SAVE HOURS of Your Time

You’ll save countless hours of having to find all this information…

… deciding what to apply and what to discard…

… and then have to “figure things out” through trial and error.

3-2-1 Launch helps you bypass ALL of that.

You get the hard-won experience from THREE top titans of this industry… who’ll tell you only the things that work, proven based on real-world experience.

Finally (and perhaps most importantly), you’ll know without a doubt, whether or not high-ticket writing is for you.

My hunch, though, if you’re still reading this, is that you’ll be ready and raring to go.

You’ll be motivated and inspired to go out and start landing those $200… $500… even $1,500+ high-ticket writing projects.

What to Do Next…

Given what’s possible here…

And given how much money you could stand to make once you apply the principles you’ll learn in 3-2-1 Launch as a high-ticket writer…

It would not be unreasonable to charge $1,000 for this resource.

After all…

Who wouldn’t want to trade $1,000 in exchange for the chance at an income of $100,000?


Cris Johnson nearly replaced his $170,000 magician’s income in less than a year…

Jake Hoffberg made $140,000 his first year

Mindy McHorse reached six-figures within 24 months

Steve Maurer has DOUBLED his writing income every year since 2013… and now makes $200 per hour when he sits down to write…

Paul Hollingshead was able to go from making minimum wage at the grocery store to never making less than $250,000 per year

Keith Trimels is making six-figures as a high-ticket writer from his sailboat in the Sea of Cortez…

I could go on and on…

These are the kinds of stories that aren’t supposed to be possible, or “realistic.”

Yet, when you’re armed with the right knowledge… and have the right blueprint to follow…

… what seemed impossible, becomes very possible.

It’s how I went from $9 an hour as a barista to now making more than $180 per hour when I choose to sit down and put pen to paper (or start typing away at my laptop)…

And how I can be a stay-at-home “cat dad” who spoils his fur-kids.

G's cats Simba and Nala

So yes, I have to say an investment of $1,000 would be pretty reasonable.

Especially if you take action on that knowledge and end up boosting your income dramatically in record time.

But you won’t pay that.

Because AWAI is committed to showing people that “off-ramp” I told you about at the very beginning of my story.

The one that leads to greater freedom and more control over your life.

That’s why $500 would be a steal.

But still, you won’t pay that either.

You can get immediate online access to 3-2-1 Launch…

… for just $249.

Order Now

Let’s Make This Even Easier For You…

I know starting a new career — or reinventing yourself after spending years being good at what you do in another field — can be a bit frightening.

That’s why AWAI is making this as easy as possible for you.

So here’s what you can do:

Get instant online access to 3-2-1 Launch.

Go through all four lessons… do the exercises… and really apply yourself.

In fact, take up to a full year to go through all the material and put it to the test.

If in that time, you decide that high-ticket writing isn’t for you, no problem.

Just email AWAI’s Member Success Team and they’ll give you a full refund.

I think that’s pretty fair.

This way, you can make sure this is the right “next” move for you.

But if my success is any indication…

Along with the literally hundreds of people who’ve come before you and made the transition… and “reinvented” themselves as high-ticket writers…

Then I think you’ll be so excited…

… so inspired…

You’ll want to dive deeper into this world, start working with paid clients, and feel compelled to send in your success story — where you explain how high-ticket writing was THE “work-at-home” opportunity that literally changed your life for the better.

So if you agree this is a fair deal… it’s time to act.

Below, you’ll see a button.

Click it, and you’ll be taken to a secure page where you can review everything and place your order to get instant access to 3-2-1 Launch.

Order Now

I look forward to hearing your success story!

Guillermo “G” Rubio
June, 2024