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This Exciting Project Will Bring You to a Galaxy Far, Far Beyond the Copy

As a copywriter, you’re typically responsible for writing the words, but one project lets you work with four new elements too. You get to bring your vision to life on screen like a movie director! Find out more about getting started in this fun specialty.

6 Video Scripts You Can Get Paid to Write (Right Now!)

Videos are making a huge impact for businesses — which is why 8 out of 10 businesses are using them. To keep up with demand, they need video scriptwriters. Here are six types of videos you can get paid to write.

How to Write Video Scripts that Keep Eyes Glued to the Screen!

Discover the writing principle you can use to keep your audience hanging on your every word in every article, email, sales letter, or video script you write. Here’s how to harness this power to earn bigger writing fees.

Make 3X Your Normal Hourly Rate Writing for This Untapped Niche

Even a first-time writer can write one of these fun projects by following the three simple secrets outlined here. Read this story of how an aspiring actor (and waiter) found immediate success as a writer.

How a Painted Baseball Transformed the Heart of a Town Through the Power of Story

As a storyteller and video artist, Andrew Davis has a history of weaving the two together in a way that creates something memorable. Here’s an example of how he does it…

Why Every Writer Should Be Offering Video Scripts NOW

8 out of 10 businesses are using video — but they need someone to write the script outlines. Watch Rebecca’s conversation with Andrew Davis and discover how easy it is to jump into this fun writing opportunity.

Earn Up to $500 per Page with These 7 Video Scripts

Videos are making a huge impact in digital marketing for businesses. To keep up with demand, they need video scriptwriters. Here are seven types of videos you could be writing for very good fees.

5 Video Scripts Marketers Need Now

Videos are changing the face of online marketing for businesses. To keep up with demand, they need video scriptwriters. Here are five types of videos you could be writing for very good fees.

8 Winning Strategies for Writing Attention-Grabbing Video Scripts

Video is winning the attention wars on the Internet. See how you can write video scripts that will engage viewers and keep them watching.

Free Course from American Writers & Artists: “Secrets for Creating Red-Hot Sales Copy in No Time Flat” With Clayton Makepeace

Free course from American Writers & Artists: “Secrets for Creating Red-Hot Sales Copy in No Time Flat” with Clayton Makepeace. Registration is absolutely free but enrollment CLOSES on Thursday, October 10th

Lights, Camera, Action! Get Paid to Write Short Video Scripts

Online video marketing is one of the fastest-growing copywriting niches today. Learn AWAI member Phil LeMaster’s six tips for writing video scripts that produce results for your clients.