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The Vibrant Longevity of Writers

A study a few years back reported that funeral directors, members of the clergy, and directors of philharmonic orchestras had longer life spans, on average, than people in other careers.

I don't know where copywriters were on that list or if they were even included at all.

But here's the beauty and some of the advantages of being a copywriter …

  • You get to engage in interesting, brain-stimulating work on a daily basis.
  • You can write well into your golden years, and even after failing health. Eugene Schwartz, one of the greatest copywriters ever, spent three months in the hospital after a stroke. When he got home, he dictated his own copy and later learned to type with one hand.
  • If you're good at copywriting, chances are you'll make good money at it. And according to a U.S. News & World Report article on February 14, 2012, "Do Rich People Live Longer?" the answer is yes. So it's not a stretch to say you could live longer because you're a writer!
  • You will tap into your creative side on a regular basis. It's a proven fact that right-brained creative types have more fun and more active social lives than left-brained people (okay, I totally made that up, but I still think it's true).
  • You can choose to work in areas you really enjoy. Nancy Lamb is an avid bicyclist and a health coach professional. She combined both as City Ambassador for Cycle the WAVE, something she's equally passionate about (and is doing some copywriting and website work for them as well). When your work is fun, it keeps you fresh and alive.
  • You can create a "retirement" career, like Ann Jordan-Mills. She is building a business based on her passion for social media, love of travel, and knowledge of Alberta, Canada. She's hoping to take her regional business worldwide in the near future.
  • The more you write, the more opportunities will come your way. I'm currently promoting a lecture for a doctor who helps cancer patients get better without chemotherapy. I've worked on projects for real estate brokers in New York City, personal trainers in Los Angeles, and everything in between.

Does becoming a writer suddenly make you a more interesting person? Is there a system for attracting unique opportunities? Do writers have a secret society that matches fascinating people with rewarding experiences?

Of course not. More likely, the writer's life just attracts people who already have those attributes.

The sheer fact that you're interested in this offbeat freelance lifestyle tells me a lot about you.

It tells me you don't run with the herd. It tells me you want more from life than the security of 40-hour work weeks for 40 years.

It tells me that if you and I had a heart-to-heart talk, we'd discover some common ground. We'd realize that we both have a desire to make a difference in the world. We both want success on our terms. And we both want to live a full, vivacious life to the last day of our allotted time, whenever that may be.

Let me suggest two simple things to get started in this life of vibrant longevity:

  1. Tell one person what your big writing goal is, and ask them to hold you accountable. In the beginning, I only told my wife because I knew she was the only one who would believe in me.
  2. Do something every day to move yourself forward. You've heard this many times: write every day!

When you decide to make a living as a writer, part time or full time, things will start happening. I can't explain it, there's no paint-by-numbers plan, but simply saying the words, "I'm a writer," will open doors.

Abraham Lincoln once said, "And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." I like that quote, and I have to believe that being involved in meaningful work you enjoy can give you both a lot of life and a lot of years!

I'd love to hear what your writing dreams are, or what interesting projects have come your way because you're a writer. Tell me and our readers in the comment section.

Here's to your long, vibrant future writing career!

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Published: May 16, 2012

11 Responses to “The Vibrant Longevity of Writers”

  1. Steve - great article. I love the fact that b/c I write at home I have so much control over how I go through my day. More control to take care of my health, work in fitness, spend time with my family. It's exactly the kind of stuff I talk about at Your Healthy Home Biz - the way you can chart out your life strategically when you work at home!

    Guest (Sarah Clachar)

  2. Steve,

    Once again, let me be the first to congratulate you on a job well done.

    I like your style of writing: it is conversational and cuts to the chase.
    You put your cards on the table and tell it like it is. So, your work is fun to read. Thanks for the enlightenment.

    Creativity is about creating an activity.
    You can be creative at any age and under almost any circumstances. It is all about using your imagination rather than having to put your shoulder to the wheel.


    Archan Mehta

  3. I love your post Steve. Felt like you were talking to me. Only me. Thank you. Your words are inspiration in my journey.

    Guest (sharna sammy)

  4. Hi Steve, Great article. I have truly discovered that writing is my deepest passion. My dream is truly to launch my freelance writing career as soon as the opportunity presents itself. I am currently taking a course entitled, "Breaking Into Print". It has helped to boost my writing esteem. I've always known that I enjoy writing, but when I read how many opportunities there are to make a career doing something that I genuinely love,and the idea that I can control my own schedule. It's great!

    A- Ware

  5. Steve, How much weekly time commitment would a person expect when joining COS? Did it help you decide what type of writing you wanted to do?


  6. My writing goal is to work primarily with state, provincial and national governments to combine my copywriting and travel writing skills in a way that helps them boost tourism and foreign investment. I have a very promising lead already in that a very close friend was just appointed as a Minister to the Sri Lankan embassy in Washington. I'm having lunch with him next week.

    Jeff Kontur

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