Introducing Gary Scott's comprehensive home study program for people who would like to turn their passion into profits …

"Let Me Help You Find Fulfillment, Fun,
and Freedom As a Six-Figure
Information Publisher"– Gary Scott

Sunday March 9, 2025

Are you patiently whiling away your life, waiting till the day you can quit working and find magical bliss at age 60 or 65?

I used to be in that position, and I can tell you it's no fun.

My name is Gary Scott. For years I feared deep down inside that what I truly wanted—freedom, financial security, work that I love, fun, prestige, and the ability to work anywhere I want—was impossible.

Nevertheless, I scoured the world looking for an opportunity that would give me the lifestyle I yearned for.

Namely, I was looking for a business opportunity with incredible profit potential … AND a high margin of safety. The business also had to be enjoyable, make money even when I wasn't working, and be something that could start small, but grow large.

After 20 years of searching, I gave up. Only then (as these things so often happen) did I find it.

This opportunity was not only perfect, but it was sitting right in my own backyard … and I had been using it all the time!

It required very little money, could grow as fast as I wanted, offered unbelievable freedom, and allowed me to learn more about the things that I am passionate about.

In this letter, I will explain an explosive new system that can be your direct ticket to the kind of fulfillment you've always wanted in life. Whether you want to travel the world or live as a recluse, work 12 hours a day or not work at all, learn more about golf or feeding the hungry … it can be yours if you're willing to learn and apply this simple system.

One-Half of Our Gross National Product
Is Based on This Industry!

What is this opportunity I searched far and wide for? Publishing!

I'm talking about much more than book publishing, although that can be part of it. I'm talking about selling information in any format.

You can publish tapes, lists, newsletters, annuals, pamphlets, CDs, compilations, cookbooks, calendars, institutional giveaways … whatever suits you. The information can be written, compiled or collected by you, or it can be information that others produce.

Right now you may be scratching your head and thinking, "It took 20 years to find this? What makes selling information so special?"

That question can best be answered by taking a moment to consider how astonishingly fast things change in our modern world. Well, all those changes create the need for more and more education. So much so that the information industry has become one-half of our gross national product!

People are constantly seeking information. Publishers simply figure out what they want and need to know, and then give it to them.

As a publisher, you can write, compile, or record the information yourself, you can hire writers, or you can reprint information. It's totally up to you.

The following example will give you an idea of how simple publishing can be …

Years ago, a husband and wife team started a business, Dover Publications, publishing classic books with expired copyrights.

Dover grew to make millions even though the publishers don't write any new material. They simply decide which out-of-print books the public might want to read, reprint them and offer them in a catalog.

As Perfect a Life As You Could Ask for

Personally, I like to write. And through publishing and writing, I have become wealthy beyond my dreams!

My wife, Merri, and I became multi-millionaires within 10 years of starting our self-publishing business. Today, we have more cars than we can drive, five homes and numerous cabins in North Carolina, Ecuador, and Florida. We have no mortgage, not a penny of debt, and plenty of money in the bank.

But more important than the money, I enjoy the bliss of each and every day, doing what I love and hoping I can do it forever.

And why wouldn't I? I often start my work days at 5:00 a.m. and wrap up by 9:00 a.m. That leaves the rest of the day to do mostly as I feel. If the kids are home, we'll play. Other days, I just putter. Some days I take out a canvas and paint or concentrate on playing my flute. Other days, I just sit in the sun and read.

But even though my day's work is often finished by the time many people are just getting started, I will still be thousands of dollars richer by the end of the day!

Of course I don't always work just four hours a day. Some days I stay at the keyboard seven, eight, even 12 hours. But the thing is I love every minute of it, because I'm involved in projects that excite me!

Not only am I learning, writing, and publishing about things that I love, but I'm also making myself and the world a better place in the process. This life is as perfect as any I could ask for.

It Doesn't Take Long to Start Making Serious Money

When I started my publishing business, I made a 380% return on my initial investment within a month. And it just got better from there.

Of course, no business is without its pitfalls. In fact, I've identified 17 of them in publishing. It took me more than a decade of struggle to learn how to avoid them all, but I did it.

You see, back in 1974, I had what I thought was a good business, but to be honest, I could never get ahead. I was almost penniless, in debt and living from hand to mouth. Then I discovered the secrets to avoiding the pitfalls. Since then, our publishing business has brought in millions.

Now, Merri and I have packed over 40 years of experience into an easy-to-follow program called Self-Fulfilled: How to be a Writer and Publisher.

Before I tell you how this program can help you create your ideal lifestyle, I want to make an important point. I'm not promising that this program will make you rich overnight or that you'll wake up tomorrow with a more satisfying life. If you're looking for a way to get rich while you sleep, you should stop reading right now.

But if you're willing to invest a reasonable amount of time and effort into learning and applying this simple system, it will put you squarely on the road to becoming a wealthy and fulfilled publishing entrepreneur.

Through this in-depth program, I will share, teach, and guide you on everything you need to find a fulfilling path and start making good money right away.

I've structured the program to make it as easy as possible for you to implement. You'll know precisely what to do from the very first day till the day you have a thriving publishing business.

You can start part-time with any dream, passion, and budget. Once you've created a product, you'll enjoy the "multiple effect" of producing profits over and over again.

So the question is …

What Do You Love?

What's Your Passion:
Helping People Who
Are in Pain?

Thirty years ago, a client of Merri's developed a series of pamphlets explaining various chiropractic disorders in very simple terms. For example: "What Is Whip Lash?"

The pamphlets contained solid information, but were simple 5" x 7" brochures with drawings and explanations. He sold them with a rack to chiropractors, who put them in their offices for patients to read. These little self-published items have sold year in and year out for three decades.

There are thousands of ideas of this sort that can lead to big business. It's just a matter of figuring out and then acting on your passion.

Although I can work when I please and go where I wish, for me the most important reason for being a publisher is the satisfaction it brings. I love the projects I take on, so work doesn't feel like, well … work.

I'm passionate about investing, so I publish about that. But what matters is what do you love?

If you love golf, then you can publish things about golf. Love travel, fishing, dogs, dolls, or art? Publish about those things.

Are you concerned about crime, war, poverty or environmental issues? You can publish information products that help wipe them out.

Would you like to help the world be a more spiritual place? Publish a newsletter, write a book (or hire someone to write it for you), record a tape … do something that enlightens people.

Whatever your passion, you can immerse yourself in it and make a fortune by publishing CDs, lists, books, or any format you choose.

How to Build a Million-Dollar Business in Seven Years

The first time I exposed others to the secrets in Self-Fulfilled: How to be a Writer and Publisher, it was in a weekend seminar. People from all walks of life attended—chiropractors, businessmen, investors, doctors, realtors, inventors, airline pilots, engineers, and housewives.

Merri and I were so overwhelmed by the response to the seminar, we decided to make it available to a larger audience.

So we teamed up with AWAI to create a powerful home study program that contains all the same information as our jam-packed seminar … and then some. And in this case, you can learn at your own pace in the comfort of your home or office.

Unlike programs that are put together by "experts" who have never actually done what their program promotes, this program is not theoretical. It describes step-by-step how Merri and I built a million-dollar international business in just seven years.

What's Your Passion:
Travel and Tourism?

A client of ours amassed a fortune by starting travel guides for cities. He started with Sarasota, Florida, publishing a simple booklet with attractions, restaurants, etc. and plenty of advertising. Then he moved onto Naples, and on and on,until the whole state of Florida was done.

He didn't have to put much work into the booklets as he could carry over plenty of generic information from booklet to booklet. But there were plenty of advertisers and plenty of people who wanted to obtain these booklets. Finally, he franchised the whole operation.

Another thing that is unique about us is that Merri and I decided to do the whole business by ourselves. Though we have tens of thousands of buyers and have made millions, we still work at home and do not employ a single person. You'll be able to do the same—if you wish—because I've included everything we did—explained in vivid detail—in the program.

The program is also full of practical publishing ideas and case studies …

For example, you'll learn about a pilot who published a book on the best airport cafés (suddenly all his flying became tax-deductible!) … how one couple who loved an island wrote a guide on the place and made enough money to buy a home on the beach there … and how another couple made millions with a simple legal idea.

Among other things, Self-Fulfilled: How to be a Writer and Publisher will teach you:
  • Our proprietary step-by-step plan for getting your publishing business going … full or part-time … right away.
  • How you can start with a very small amount of money and eventually work only four hours a day (if you are operating full-time).
  • 11 steps to creating the perfect product, including how to review ideas, test focus, and aim at markets.
  • How to gain 1,000% returns on some of your publications.
  • Names, resources, and addresses of contacts in marketing and printing, plus attorneys, accountants, and internet whiz kids who can pitch in when you need them.
  • Where and how to get your data and information, and how to get others to write for you almost free.
  • How to choose a format—book, newsletter, list, audio or video—that suits you and your audience.
  • Frequently committed marketing mistakes and how to avoid them (plus, you'll get samples of winning marketing pieces to study).

Most Programs Would Stop Here, But With
Our Comprehensive "A to Z" System You Also Get …

  • How to set up a computerized fulfillment center even if you're computer illiterate.
  • How to turn advertising dollars into a fortune by creating winning ads, direct mail pieces, and getting thousands of dollars in free publicity.
  • Which printers to avoid and how to cut your printing bill in half by asking for quotes differently.
  • How to use your computer and the internet to save hundreds of thousands of dollars in printing and postage.
  • How to control inventory, check ad results, and keep overhead down.
  • 11 financial hazards to avoid and tricks to stay profitable without a daily accountant.
  • My secret pricing strategies that will help you sell more units of your product.
  • Plus much, much more that I don't have space for here!

Why This Unique System Is Guaranteed
to Put You on the Road to Publishing Success

In Self-Fulfilled: How to be a Writer and Publisher, Merri and I give away every business secret we know and expect those who use this powerful program to reap a fortune and change their whole life for the better.

The program is based on the trial and error experiences Merri and I have had for the past 40 years … the very experiences that have made us self-fulfilled multimillionaires.

If you're wondering what a program like this can do for you, just take a look at how much my seminar on publishing helped the participants. Here's what some of the folks had to say about what they learned:

"The course fulfilled all my expectations providing all the details necessary to start a publishing business from creating the idea, through marketing including the systems necessary to implement our ideas."

– B. C., Chiropractor

"Gary, your system is jam packed with vital information. My head is spinning. Thank goodness this is all backed up by your manual. This is a true and cherished gift. Your tips are a blessing! Thank you once again. The value far exceeds the price."

– B. K., Investor

"The course was excellent covering all the facets of publishing. The philosophy of keeping small with no employees alone made the course invaluable. Gary and Merri, you were excellent!"

– S. K., Businessman

"Your program gave me insight on what to do with widening my client base."

– M.E., Real Estate Broker

"We found the course interesting and informative. We were inspired to start work on a booklet. When we came down, we had no idea what to publish."

– Employed couple from New York

"Your publishing course is outstanding! Just two hours of study on Sunday alone were worth more than the course price."

– A publisher from California

"The course helped me in three ways. #1: To realize that it is not only OK but preferable to start small. #2: A small point but with big implications was Merri's description of how she is going to make Gary an expert in the sport's field. #3: I feel I have a workable program to have a newsletter – my own passion!"

– T. B., Professional

What's Your Passion:
Expand Your Current Business?

These are just a few of the many comments I've received from people I've personally trained at my seminars to turn their passions into profits through publishing.

What's Your Passion:
Expand Your Current Business?

You don't have to reinvent the wheel with your publishing business. You can use publishing to expand your current business. That's what I did — and it's what the owners of a consulting firm in California did, too.

These business owners decided to write and publish books to establish credibility and attract new customers — and it worked like a charm.

Over the past 10 years, they have written two books, both aimed at establishing their company as the go-to source for customer service training. They credit the books with bringing in more than $1 million in new business!

Writing and books have turned into such a bonanza that they've recently added a new service to their business — coaching small business owners on the ins and outs of book publishing.

Self-Fulfilled: How to be a Writer and Publisher is designed only for people who are serious about making a six- or seven-figure income, controlling their own destiny, or otherwise improving the quality of their life by publishing information products. It is not for idle curiosity.

Here's How to Start Living
a More Fulfilled Life
As a Self-Publisher

With Self-Fulfilled: How to be a Writer and Publisher, you get even more proven step-by-step advice then people who attended my seminar—but at a fraction of the cost.

They paid $2,000 to gain access to this information, but you can get what they got – plus more! – for only $499!

That's a real bargain considering that you will save thousands on printing and advertising alone. And you couldn't duplicate the computer and internet knowledge you'll gain for $20,000. For starters, you'll learn:

  • How to use the internet to publish
  • How to define and target your internet market, and start getting visits
  • How to develop your website
  • The top 10 internet tips to use and the top 10 traps to avoid

I can tell you this: at $499, this program may very well be the best bargain and best investment you'll ever make.

And, that’s because in addition to our complete program, you always get these hot-off-the-presses bonuses:

Bonus #1: Start Your Own Internet Business
In this 50-minute video, Internet marketer and my personal webmaster David Cross explains how to start your own internet business.

Bonus #2: The Tangled Webs We Weave – How to Have Your Own Internet Business, a 177-page special report
With your own business, you can immediately improve your life as well as make contributions to society. Whether you want to be a humanitarian, a leader in your community or just want to have independence and increase your income. You can do all this and more through your own internet business.

Bonus #3: Writing & Publishing in the Zone
Most writers and publishers are handicapped by the tyranny of reason. They are stuck with “In-The-Box thinking” so their publications and lives develop less potential than they should. Writing & Publishing in the Zone can help you achieve greater success with some secrets on how to use Super Thinking to get you in the zone and out of the box.

Bonus #4: The Quantum Wealth Workshop
In almost four hours of accompanying audio and video, the Quantum Wealth Workshop fully explains the Super Thinking System and how to use it to maximize your capabilities across all channels.

Bonus #5 … Self Publishing 202 – Tidbits on Kindle

Follow Gary, step-by-step, as he makes his first attempts to publish books on

And We'll Accept All the Risk!

AWAI completely guarantees the program.

Order Self-Fulfilled: How to be a Writer and Publisher … complete with all the special bonuses … today and take a full 30 days to put it through its paces. That way you can follow my simple process and start seeing the results for yourself.

If you're not completely convinced that this information is so powerful it will work for you —all you have to do is let AWAI within those 30 days, and you'll receive a complete refund of every penny of your investment.

Fair enough?

The Great American Dream Still Exists!

Our publishing business has brought us more wealth, satisfaction, fun and friendship than we ever imagined possible. And now we want to share our knowledge and secrets with anyone who has a desire to experience this way of life.

Whether you are an engineer, doctor, housewife, business owner, or retiree … self publishing offers a way to make a six- or seven-figure income by turning your passion into profit.

Order Self-Fulfilled: How to be a Writer and Publisher today so you too can cash in on the satisfying, profitable and exciting lifestyle publishing brings to Merri and me.


Gary Scott
Self-Publisher and Author

Order Today!

P.S. One section in the program shows how I turned a $950 direct mail piece into $150,000 in just three weeks. I added $9,875 a month to my income for years and gained dozens of new friends worldwide in the process! Learn how you can use the same strategy to reap a fortune of your own.

Order Today!

American Writers & Artists Institute
220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D
Delray Beach, FL 33444
(561) 278-5557 or (866) 879-2924

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