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How to Let Go of Your Limiting Beliefs

Letting go of what’s holding you back is hard. Discover a 7-step process you can use to let go of limiting beliefs and start building the life you’d like.

5 Ways Limiting Beliefs Hold You Back from Copywriting Success

What you believe can have a huge impact on your copywriting success. Learn five ways limiting beliefs could be secretly holding you back from your dreams.

Applying the 4 “C’s” of Copywriting Success

Commitment, consistency, clarity, & confidence are 4 qualities that will help you succeed in your career. Take 40 minutes to figure out you want to commit to.

Why You Need a Swipe File

Sean McCool lauds the importance of building a swipe file, your shrine to the masters, to inspire your copywriting.

Apprentice Yourself as a Copywriter

Don't label yourself as a newbie to copywriting. As Sean McCool explains, you are an apprentice.

Energy, Not Effort

Sean McCool discusses the difference between energy and effort and which one is better for your freelance career.