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November 2023

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Summoning Motivation

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, we share the secret to summoning motivation so you can accomplish anything you want... And show you how you can implement this into your daily routine so you can set yourself up for success every day.

Living the Writer's Life: Rob Gramer

Though Rob Gramer was on his way to a safe and reliable career in the world of engineering, a goofy trick played on a classmate wound up introducing him to the world of freedom through paid writing. Once he’d gotten a taste for it, he couldn’t shake it, and today his life looks every bit as fun, profitable, and relaxing as the best writer success stories. Enjoy Rob’s entertaining and inspirational journey.

Living the Writer's Life: Gloria Rand

Gloria Rand was born with a love of writing but never expected the different twists and turns it would take her on. From finding connection in a new hometown to working in SEO to writing her own book, the skill of copywriting has allowed her to pivot in her goals and business interests many times. But along with personal satisfaction, writing has brought immense life satisfaction, thanks to the freedom to be there for others when it mattered most. Read on to discover how Gloria reshaped her writing business to fit her life needs many times over.

20 Different Types of Newsletters and the Companies Who Need Help Writing Them

Learn the simple skill of writing a newsletter, and open yourself up to twenty different projects you can get paid to write.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Adaptability

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, Marella Allison tackles the topic of adaptability.

LAST CALL to Join Our Writing Group

Save $200 on our exclusive writers club membership—and receive $363 in bonus writing career launching resources—if you join today.