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Expand Your Services to Existing Clients for an Income Boost

When you expand your services to existing clients, you’ll land more projects with less effort… and see a big boost to your web-writing income.

An Easy 3-Part Social Media Marketing Plan for Web Writers

Social media marketing for web writers is a fun way to attract new clients… but you have to respect the medium you’re in. Here’s how in 3 easy steps…

20 Essential Email Marketing Stats Copywriters Need to Know

These email marketing statistics represent a golden opportunity for web writers to help clients in a tangible way… and to get a foot in the door.

20 Ways to Stand Out As a Professional Web Copywriter in 2020

As a web copywriter, you need to make it easy for clients to say yes to hiring you. One way to do that is to stand out from other web copywriters…

How to Talk to Your Niche

Choosing your niche is an important step. But, what comes next is even more important… You need to figure out how to talk to your niche.

Atomic Habits for Writers

Do you have a new writing habit you’re trying to establish? Make sure it sticks and that it has the desired result, with this guide to setting good habits.

How to Stockpile Content for a Rainy Day

For your freelance business, it helps to create future content when you have a little extra time. This can help you be more consistent in your outreach.

3 Ways to Open a Story That Will Hook Your Reader Fast

Weaving a story into your copy or content can make it more engaging and drive better results. These 3 story leads will help you open strong…

Google’s Search Journeys — What You Need to Know

Google works hard to improve user experience. One recent innovation is Google’s Search Journeys… and it means new opportunities for you as a writer.

6 (Almost) Foolproof Strategies for Meeting Deadlines

Meeting deadlines is a key part of running a successful business. If you struggle with completing projects on time, these 6 strategies will help.

3 Ways You Can Leverage Your Copywriting Skills for Bigger Income

You can earn money offering your copywriting skills to clients or you can leverage your copywriting skills to increase your income in other ways.

A 4-Part Strategy for Copywriters Who Want More Referrals

Would you rather grow your copywriting business by cold calling strangers or by having conversations with warm prospects who have been referred to you?

Nail Your Writing Goals by Keeping Promises to Yourself

Keeping the promises you make to yourself is a powerful tool to help you reach your writing goals and boost your self-worth.

Is This Missing From Your Daily Routine?

Do you include a daily fast write as part of your routine? If not, you might be missing out on some big writing and business benefits. See what they are…

Defining Your Own Unique Selling Proposition to Attract Clients

Defining your unique selling proposition helps you make connections with people you’ll enjoy working with and who’ll go out of their way to work with you.

The Why, When, and How of Starting a Peer Group

Starting a peer group can help you build your skills, stay motivated, give you ideas for your business, and connect you with new resources.

Use This Client-Ready Checklist to Write Web Content Like a Boss

Whether you’re new to writing web content or you’re a well-establish web writer, this checklist can help you boost your professional game.

Is Kitchen Sink Syndrome Killing Your Productivity?

You’ve heard of Shiny Object Syndrome. But what about Kitchen Sink Syndrome? Find out if you’ve got it and what to do about it for better productivity.

How to Raise Your Setpoint to Increase Your Income

Do you know your income setpoint? Once you figure out what it is, you can work to raise your setpoint, which can be critical to earning what you want.

How to Create Quick, Personalized Prospect Emails for Better Opportunities

When you use video technology to create quick, valuable, highly personalized prospecting emails, your response rate will soar. Here’s how to do it…

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