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How to Find a Mentor You Can Trust

Dear Reader,

“I’ve learned that the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am.”

– Andy Rooney

Every successful person on planet Earth has had a mentor they could trust.

It is an indispensable part of the formula for winning in life. It is certainly a major part of the formula for winning with an online business and making a safe, secure, on-going income.

The biggest challenge is that there is so much noise and confusion out there, it is really hard to find a mentor and a proven money-making system you can trust.

“A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.”

– Oprah Winfrey

Look, you are going to spend money, time, and effort on any system you choose. Doesn’t it make sense to find one that is going to really help you … and not leave you wondering where your money went and why you’re still stuck?

Yes, it does.

It’s time to get unstuck. It’s time to find a mentor that will help you remove the obstacles to making money and creating the life you’ve dreamed of.

My New Program Can Eliminate the
Expense and Emotional Drain of Trial and Error

Inside my new “How to Find a Mentor You Can Trust … and Other Online Money- Making Secrets,” you’ll discover …

  • Three “Golden Questions” that will do more to help you make money and win online, than almost any other “marketing secret” you’ll find out there. This is really important …
  • A really powerful “Internal vs. External” formula that will ensure you can win — no matter what product or service you attempt to sell. This is the number one reason why people fail. Now you’ll know, and boost your odds of winning.
  • How to pick a mentor and system that is “right for you.” There are a lot of really positive, sincere, wonderful mentors and proven systems out there … but not all of them are “just right” for you personally. This will help you filter the good ones and make a wise choice.
  • How to instantly uncover the scam artists, frauds, and cons. You don’t have to unknowingly give your money to these guys.
  • How to easily and naturally identify the “good guys” … mentors and systems that are sincere, honest, and willing to go the distance with you.
  • A simple, 7-part formula for spotting fake testimonials. You deserve to know the truth.
  • My personal “Plan of Expectations” … a measuring stick I use for knowing how long it realistically should take to start winning online.
  • The “Immediate Solution Syndrome.” I’ll debunk this cruel and costly myth and show you how to protect your time, money, and emotions.
  • Core fundamentals to making money online, consistently and over the long-haul.
  • An easy, enjoyable system for discovering your personal strengths. This is key to success in any venture … especially if you hope to make money online in the coming 12-24 months.
  • And much, much more!

This is a unique audio program. I sit down and speak frankly, unscripted, and openly with you about how to find a mentor you can trust.

You’ll also receive a full, professional transcript so you can skim, study, highlight, and instantly revisit any area that is particularly important and meaningful to you. The transcripts have been converted to a special e-book format. You can download it and read on your iPad, Kindle, or other mobile device … or print it out. Whatever works for you.

Finally, you’ll receive a special, simple, concise “How to Find a Mentor You Can Trust Guidebook.” During the audio program, I give you a number of assignments and activities that will speed up your path to victory. This powerful Guidebook will help you implement those activities.

  • A very simple 10-minute exercise I’ve used for years. It never fails to increase my income, raise my confidence, and boost my energy levels.
  • A one-week experience that will remove waste from your life and give you a key secret to being “hyper-productive” … while doing less!
  • A “balance-sheet” that will help you know within a couple of minutes if a mentor or system is worthy of your time and money.

The Confidence and Secrets You Need to Win
and Make Money Online

As you work through this powerful, virtual coaching session, you will feel more confident, inspired, and peaceful. Finally, you’ll have a strategic, fun, manageable system for clearly seeing who is trying to con you … and who is the real deal.

Imagine how much time, money, effort, and emotional waste this will save you!

Even more important …

Once you confidently choose a mentor and/or system you can trust, you can finally move forward in your life! No more costly hesitation or wasted money. It will be full speed ahead toward your goals, dreams, and aspirations.

That is when the fun begins … that is when life really starts to change for you.

So, let’s get going!

I Believe This Small Investment Can Save You
Years of Money, Time, and Emotional Pain

“How to Find a Mentor You Can Trust” is normally a one-time investment of just $99 … which gives you my personal formula for finding people I can trust and building a great success team. This cost me years of time, money, and emotional energy. I’m giving you my best insights and experience for a very modest investment. I believe it’s a wise use of your time … and a great safeguard against future troubles and expenses.

Even so, I’m going to give you a special gift …

I’m going to reduce the price by $50 … making your investment just $49. I want this to be available to everyone and I believe anyone can afford it at this low price.

Experience the peace-of-mind that comes with “How to Find a Mentor You Can Trust … and Other Online Money-Making Secrets” … and do it totally risk-free. When you order today, you’ll have a full 30 days to review the entire program.

An Ironclad, 3-Part Guarantee …

Here’s my personal guarantee to you: I promise that in the program you’ll find …

  • A simple strategy for uncovering cons and cheats … so you can protect your time, money, and emotions.
  • Fundamentals for taking action and moving forward in your desire to make money online.
  • A clear pattern that will help you get clear on your dreams, avoid costly obstacles, and speed up your ability to live a life of abundance, wealth, and happiness.

If you don’t discover all of this … and more … during your 30-day trial period, I’ll gladly refund every penny of your investment. Just send me a note telling me what you did to implement my program and why you were not satisfied, and I’ll immediately have a full refund issued.

Choose Your Mentor and
Money-Making System With Confidence

But, I’m confident that you won’t ask for a refund. This unique program over-delivers because I really want to see you avoid the pain and expenses of failure, because you unknowingly picked a mentor or system that simply would not work.

You can avoid that pain right now by investing in “How to Find a Mentor You Can Trust … and Other Online Money-Making Secrets.”

Order Today

My Years of Pain and Expense Could Rescue You …

One final story …

A number of years ago — long before I developed this system for choosing good mentors — I decided to follow a mentor. I had HUGE hopes that it would eventually lead to my financial freedom and exceed my wildest dreams of wealth and happiness.

For more than four years, I gave my heart and soul to this man’s teachings. I followed him all over the country. I thought I wanted what he had.

I was wrong. It ended in a lot of tears and pain, and cost me untold thousands.

Looking back, I see now that all the telltale signs were there. If I had known what to look for, I probably never would have spent those four years looking up to him. I could have been connected with a real mentor that I could trust … someone that would have helped me build a fortune in ways that were right for me.

I can’t go back and regain those lost years and money. But, hopefully, I can help you avoid the same mistakes. If you follow the system and principles I’ve outlined here, I believe you will.

Get started now …

To Your Success,


Order Today

P.S. At the risk of sounding self-serving, I want to give you a couple of examples of what a good mentoring can do for people. Yes, these are people I have mentored and that have used my systems over the years.

 “I thought the call was extremely helpful, in several ways, as it opened up the possibility of developing a new business model. Our discussion enabled me to explore a number of possibilities that I had not been aware of or had considered.

“As I mentioned, I believe that the process of marketing as well as producing written product is challenging but well worth the effort when an idea clicks. Sometimes we are not aware of a potential business opportunity, that is right in front of us, but is clear to an outside observer. Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions as well as acting as the independent observer.


– Frank Wilkinson
Tega Cay, SC

“Speaking one-on-one with Joshua set me on the right path to achieve my goals. I was floundering with my copywriting career and didn't have a clue what to do. Joshua gave me simple to follow step-by-step instructions to launch my career and my confidence. Thanks for your guidance, Joshua, it was invaluable for an upstart copywriter like myself.

“Joshua, you have my permission to use these comments and my name and location.

“Thanks again for your time!”

–Brett Denton, BS, PICP, IYCA
Owner/Head Physical Enhancement Specialist
Fitness Training Answers

 “I remember one particular time when I had just landed a great opportunity to write press release copy for a major web design and marketing house. The challenge: I didn’t have much experience writing press releases.

“I turned to Joshua for help knowing that he had written a few press releases for major clients. He immediately took time away from his busy schedule and got me up to speed on both how to write a compelling press release, and also how to talk the talk with the client.

“The end result? The press release got picked up by The design house and their client were beyond being pleased when the release resulted in 10,000 new customers in the next month alone.

“Without Joshua’s expert coaching and quick response, there’s no way I could have done so well for my new client.”

–Bill Zoch
Parkland, FL
Copywriter, Wall of Fame

"Joshua Gives Me Hope"

 “Hearing someone like you who faced building a list and phoning potential clients describe in down-to-earth and unscripted fashion how you did it in spite of the fear, learned how to talk about their problems and solving them, and got clients and made the leap successfully gives me hope that I can do the same.

“I can’t thank you enough for your support and encouragement. I wish you continued success!”

– Joseph Rosenquist
Birmingham, MI