It’s Far Easier to Become a Professional Writer When
You’re Set Up to Be a Professional Writer

The Most Comprehensive Resource for Starting a Successful Writing Business EVER Created

Dear Reader,

There is one thing every professional writer understands that separates them from the beginners:

If you want to be a paid writer, you need more than just your writing skills…

You also need to establish your writing as a business.

Now, in the past that meant spending years in the trenches… wasting countless hours figuring out the best way to invoice for projects… discovering through trial and error how to reach out to clients…

But not anymore.

Because today you can get your hands on the same professional tools and templates that successful writers in the industry use every day.

That means no spending years trying to figure it out on your own…

No trying to reinvent the wheel every time you have a project…

And no embarrassing “rookie” mistakes!

Instead you can simply follow the step-by-step blueprint that’s been proven year after year to be the fastest and most efficient way for writers like you to break into the “pro” level…

And in just a few hours, you’ll be ready for when those first $500… $1,000… or even $3,500 or more assignments start coming your way.

Here’s how it works…

Everything You Need to Set Yourself Up
as a Professional Writer (in a Weekend!)

The Writer’s Starter Kit is designed to be the easiest, most accessible way for creative people like you to go from aspiring to working professional writer in the fastest time possible.

It shows you how to set up the actual “business” of writing for yourself…

It walks you through the resources you’ll want to have on hand before you land your first client…

It shows you how to set clear and achievable business goals, simple ways to keep track of your writing income, and even the best ways to approach prospective clients and where to find them…

It’s all in there for you. So you can start generating an income as a writer as quickly as possible.

Everything has been distilled into bite-sized pieces of information that are super easy to follow.

And you’ll get a real sense of progress with each and every step you complete.

Designed to Launch Your Profitable
Writing Business — On Demand

You get EVERYTHING you need to set up your writing business… in as little as a weekend!

All the tools…

All the forms…

All the checklists…

All the templates…

All the instructions…

All the guides…

All the tutorials…

Everything from how to set up your work space… to how to structure your business for tax purposes… to the pros and cons of renting an office… to structuring your workday for ideal productivity… to the tools, software, and equipment you’ll need… all the way to marketing yourself so the very best clients come to you!

It’s all here …


The Writer’s Starter Kit

Your Writer’s Starter Kit will show you everything you need to do and when to do it.

The first thing you’ll want to do is go through the tutorial, The Definitive Blueprint for Making Good Money as a Freelance Writer.

It’ll show you how to get from Point A — wanting to become a professional writer, to Point B — actually being a well-paid writer.

After watching The Definitive Blueprint, you’ll have answers to pressing questions such as

  • What are the opportunities for well-paid writing projects?
  • Who hires writers for them?
  • How do I get paid?
  • What specifically do I need to do to get started?

Next you’ll want to print out a copy of a handy checklist we’ve prepared for you, so you can ensure you haven’t missed a step.

Then, just open your Writer’s Starter Kit, go through each small piece and check it off after you’ve completed it.

Your Step-by-Step Guide
to Being a Professional Writer

Just a small sample of what’s in store…

  • A simple “test” that shows you the best kind of writing business you should start (that’s 100% aligned with your long-term goals)…
  • How to decide if you should jump in with both feet and write full-time or just do it “on the side” (no matter what you choose, you’ll know exactly what to do next)…
  • How to really “zero in” and get laser focused on creating a super-successful writing business that works for YOU…
  • A simple way to set your writing income goals in such a way that you’ll practically GUARANTEE their success…
  • “Done-for-you” checklists for making sure you’ve laid the right foundation for getting paid as a writer…
  • The best way to gain crystal-clear understanding for yourself as a writer, so you can create your writing business in the shortest time possible (just do this one simple exercise)…
  • What are the best writing projects out there? You’ll be introduced to some of the most lucrative and “in-demand” projects available for writers today — so you can easily pinpoint what you’d have the most fun doing while making a great living from home…
  • The “ABCs” of any successful writing business and whether you should form a legal entity around yourself (not knowing this could cost you a lot of time and money)…
  • How to craft a simple response to the question “What do you do?” that could actually LAND you paying clients right away…
  • A simple method to “clear your mind” as a writer… so you never have to feel stressed when staring at a blank page again…
  • How to deal with “imposter syndrome” — something every writer starting out faces. You’ll learn how to put those kinds of doubts aside and succeed as a well-paid writer anyway…
  • The best place to write from. Is it a home office? a café? Discover how to “create” YOUR optimal environment, no matter where you choose…
  • The nuts and bolts of any six-figure writing business — and how to keep track of all your writing income…
  • How to maximize your productivity and output as a writer (whatever you think you can do now… DOUBLE it!)…
  • How to create a simple one-page “marketing plan” that attracts clients to you fast…
  • The proven process for committing and STAYING committed to your writing success…
  • The website you need to be on to easily land clients…
  • Why understanding the different kinds of clients you’ll encounter is critical to the health of your writing career…
  • You landed your first client — now what? Here’s how to prepare to work with your first client and act like a total pro…
  • Do you know the freelancer’s lingo? Take control of your projects by understanding common freelance writing terms, arrangements, and more…
  • How to beat writer’s block every time…
  • And much, much more!

By the time you’ve checked off the last item, you’ll be set up as a professional writer, ready to go.

Just Fill In the Blanks to
Make Your Life WAY Easier!

For example —

If you’re a beginner, writing a proposal for a client can take quite a bit of time. Especially if you’re not entirely sure the best way to do it.

Wouldn’t it be easier if you just had a “system” or template for proposals?

Where you could just quickly “fill in the blanks” and move on?

And what if you could have these systems for nearly every aspect of your writing business? Not just for proposals but for turning in your work… invoicing… responding to a client email… asking for a referral… and much more.

We’re talking proven, “field-tested” templates many of the most successful copywriters in the world use!

Well, with The Writer’s Starter Kit, you’re covered.

You’ll get all the essential templates you’ll need for running your business smoothly for years to come, including these:

Essential #1:The Prospect Intake Checklist

This helps you get all the details from new prospects before sending over that crucial first proposal. And, it’ll keep you on track. You’ll come across as a total pro and your client will know every aspect of their project has been considered.

Essential #2:A fill-in-the-blanks Retainer Agreement

Retainers earn you income month after month. This template allows you to easily cover all the details of setting up a monthly retainer relationship, including deadlines and payment schedules, that you’ll want to have in place with each client.

Essential #3:A powerful Creative Brief Template

Before you write a single word, the Creative Brief ensures you have the key insights you need to really nail an assignment and “wow” your clients.

Essential #4:Deliver Your Work with a Client-Pleasing Email

Use this email template for total clarity when you deliver copy to your client. You’ll help the client understand your intent; your specific approach and why every word is important. It’s one more value-added service you can bring as a trusted advisor to strengthen your client relationship.

Essential #5: Referral Requests that put the odds in your favor

You’ve just handled another project with skill and finesse. Now turn that satisfied client into a source of new business referrals. This template helps you ask, using a little trick proven to increase the odds of getting more referrals.

Essential #6:Proven Project Proposal Template

This one not only gives your prospect a price for each project you do, but a solid reason to hire you every time. Just fill in the details that relate to the project you want to do, add your contact information, and then send it off to the client. It’s that easy to do!

Plus, you’ll also get the “Six-Figure” Writer’s FEE SCHEDULE. The team here at AWAI dug deep into the latest statistics and trends… reached out to our A-team network of “in the trenches” writers and business contacts… all to get a very good idea of the actual “going rates” that clients are happily paying in the industry right now.

This way you’ll know how much to charge for a wide variety of potential writing assignments clients may ask you to do.

So long as you have this fee schedule, you’ll feel confident in quoting your prices — knowing you’re getting top dollar and not selling yourself short.

Even better: Your clients will be far more likely to say “yes!” because these fees are in line with what they expect to pay.

You Could Be Up and Running by Monday…

As I’ve mentioned already, this kit has everything you need to get your writing business up and running in the fastest time possible.

For instance, picture this…

It’s Friday afternoon, and you’ve just received access to your Writer’s Starter Kit.

You go through all the materials. Watch a few short training videos. Read a few pages of notes. Listen to one of the meditation sessions. Go through some of the checklists and follow a few simple steps.

You take some time to write out a vision for your new writing business and set your goals.

Throughout this entire process, you have a lot of fun uncovering what would have taken you months or even years to try to figure out on your own.

Maybe you do it while you listen to some of your favorite music or while you have a cup of coffee or tea, or maybe even a glass of wine.

Then, you jump out of bed Monday morning, like a kid on Christmas Day.

You’re finally ready to start landing clients and getting PAID to write!

Save Thousands of Dollars and Even
Years of Your Time Trying to Figure
It All Out on Your Own

One of the best things about The Writer’s Starter Kit is that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

You just follow a proven path and don’t have to take any unnecessary detours. The result is you save a LOT more time and money than if you tried doing all this on your own.

Plus, as soon as you go through all the materials, you’ll have made significant progress toward having a high-profit writing business.

You’ll be set up for maximum profitability…

You’ll have the tools you need to be super productive…

You’ll have all the “systems” in place, complete with templates, checklists, and more, all ready to go…

You’ll even know what to expect when a client says “Yes, you’re hired!” and how to handle yourself like a true professional writer.

In short, you’ll be positioned to succeed!

And you’ll have done it without wasting a ton of time, energy, or money.

It all starts with the first step — getting your copy of The Writer’s Starter Kit.

Here’s a Complete Summary of
Everything You Get Today

The Writer’s Starter Kit is jam-packed with valuable tools and resources every new writer needs.

With your Writer’s Starter Kit, you get all this:

  • The core Writer’s Starter Kit training, which walks you through every step of setting up a high-income writing business
  • The Definitive Blueprint for Making Good Money as a Freelance Writer training that gives you a clear path to making more money as a professional writer
  • Freelance Writing Business Templates, including a client-intake questionnaire, email templates, proposal template, and more
  • The “Six-Figure” Writer’s Fee Schedule, so you always know what to charge

Plus, we’ve lined up a suite of bonus tools and tutorials to make sure you’re 100% set up for success!

So in addition to your core Starter Kit training and templates, you also get all these:

  • EXTRA BONUS #1 — 12 Writing Tools Every Professional Writer Needs at Arms’ Reach (a $39 value)
  • EXTRA BONUS #2 — “Super-Productivity” Secrets for Writers: How to Achieve All Your Important Goals (a $49 value)
  • EXTRA BONUS #3 — The 7 Daily Habits of Successful Copywriters (a $79 value)
  • EXTRA BONUS #4 — The exclusive “Client-Getting” Training Library, which includes a series of three training videos (a combined $297 value) …
    • The “How to Make Your FIRST $1,000 as a Freelance Writer” Training(a $99 value)
    • The “Get Predictable Writing Income with Retainer Deals” Masterclass(a $119 value)
    • How to Create a Winning Portfolio of Samples if You’re Just Starting a Freelance Writing Career (Even if You’ve Never Had Any Clients!) (a $79 value)

In all, that’s everything you need to get set up as a professional writer… ready to start landing paying clients — and where just one project could pay up to $1,000… $2,000… even $5,000 or more.

And here’s the best part…

You get it ALL — immediately —
for just $249.

Frankly, I think no aspiring writer should pass this deal up.

It’s packed with everything you could ever need to get set up and start generating a writer’s income immediately.

And as I mentioned earlier, you could go through the entire Writer’s Starter Kit over the weekend and be ready to hit the ground running on Monday.

Best of all, everything will be available to you online, 24/7 whenever you need it through your myAWAI Member Page.

So once you start landing clients and want to use a particular template, it’ll be there for you.

If you ever wonder what you should charge, the “Six-Figure” Writer’s Fee Schedule will be there.

I could go on and on. There’s just too much to list here.

So if you’re seriously considering setting yourself up to be a professional writer, then this is your first step.

Right now, you have a chance to make it all happen for just $249.

That’s literally 68 cents a day over the next year to set up what could soon be a six-figure writing business.

But I have one more surprise for you:

Start NOW — Just $49.80!

Not ready to pay $249 today?

No problem!

Because today we’re doing something to make it as easy as possible for you to get started…

We’re offering you a way to pay for The Writer’s Starter Kit over time… and STILL get access to everything…

Just $49.80 now…

Followed by four additional monthly payments of $49.80 applied to the same credit card you use today.

That means you can get started NOW — with access to everything with your initial $49.80 payment.

Get started today for only $49.80

Try It Risk-Free for a Full Year

I’m so confident The Writer’s Starter Kit will help you successfully set up your writing business, that I want to let you try it 100% risk-free.

Take a full year to go through all the material and put it to the test.

If in that time you’re not thrilled with how nicely your writing business is coming along, no worries.

Just email our Member Success Team for a prompt and courteous refund of every penny you’ve paid.

What’s more, you can keep ALL the EXTRA bonuses as my way of saying “thank you” for giving this a fair shot.

But I think that once you experience The Writer’s Starter Kit and see how it quickly sets you up for success, you’ll be very happy with your investment.

The Choice Is Yours

I’ve shown you how simple and easy starting a high-income writing business can be — when you have the right tools and a simple map to follow.

The Writer’s Starter Kit does that for you.

And you could be up and running over a weekend.

All you need to do today is say “yes!” to that inner voice that’s telling you a career in writing is where you belong.

Just think…

This coming Monday, you could be all set up to start writing for money.

And in a week or two, you could be cashing your first check to write your first assignment.

And then you could look back on today as having been the start of it all.

Of course…

You could choose to pass on all of this.

But that means you’ll have to try to do this all on your own… and have to figure it all out.

Or, you could let The Writer’s Starter Kit guide you to setting yourself up for writing success.

And remember —

You can try it risk-free for a full year, so you really have nothing to lose… and everything to gain here.

So, what do you say?

Order today and let’s help you get set up to live the writer’s life.

See you on the inside!

To your success,

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI

Start Now — Just $49.80

P.S. Special Fast-Action Bonus:

Order now and you’ll get one MORE bonus: one of our most valuable guides for new writers — “The 12 Hottest Emerging Writing Trends — and How They Can Help You Grow Your Business.”

We’ve scoured the industry and pinpointed the most profitable emerging trends for writers today.

This way, you can take action NOW — and position yourself for a nice windfall once these trends take hold in our industry.

You won’t find this comprehensive guide for new writers anywhere else.

It's a $49 value but it’s yours free, just for giving The Writer’s Starter Kit a try.

Click the button below to get instant access.

Start Now — Just $49.80